Our “one client at a time” holistic solution has four Service Pillars.

  1. Expert Pre-trial Legal Representation

We prioritize individuals in custody who have been appointed the most overloaded attorneys and replace those inadequate attorneys with our client-centered, expertly-trained attorneys. We visit frequently, give a listening ear, fully investigate and research the case, zealously file motions, obtain and review evidence, and ensure that the defendants’ rights were not and are not being violated. Our attorneys adhere to State guidelines for caseload limits.

2. Social Services

Through loving community and a sense of belonging, our clients confide their individualized needs to us beyond legal representation. To holistically serve our clients, we address the social hurdles they face, and we employ resource-connecting advocates to empower a culture with the goal of freedom from anything that might be trapping them in a cycle of poverty. This culture is one that uses relationship-building with each client that creates community, understanding, and genuine love.


3. Volunteer Engagement

Restoring Justice recognizes that one of the barriers to long-term change is lack of awareness, understanding, and engagement from the broader public. Our volunteer program through church and community organization partnerships provides community support to our clients and educates those who are unaware of the unique struggles caused by our current system.

4. Trauma-informed Counseling

Unaddressed trauma can plague anyone, but is particularly harmful to those without physical or economic freedom. Anyone involved in our system knows that crime actors most often start as crime victims. If trauma can be treated through therapy, we can empower communities to make themselves more whole. We offer every client independent therapy sessions free-of-charge.


Our “one heart at a time” holistic solution has four engagement pillars.


1. Community Education

We shine a light on what’s kept in the dark and empower the community to lead for true sustainable change.


2. Public Defense Training

We are equipping passionate lawyers, investigators, mitigation experts, paralegals, and other support staff to provide better service to people who are accused. This includes robust training to new fellowship lawyers, learning & bringing national best practices to our work, and active internship programs.


3. Policy Reform

Our individual focus makes us the best positioned organization to provide policymakers, service providers, and government actors real solutions to people-centered problems.


4. Bridge-Building

We are creating bridges for unity between racial, religious, political, educational, and economic gaps.


Client Spotlight

A prosecutor was fired for misconduct in Harris County. The court he worked in immediately appointed him to an excessive indigent caseload. This now overloaded court-appointed attorney forgot Ronald in jail – never listened to his story or provided any kind of defense – only pushing the State’s plea offer of 25 years’ prison, the minimum for his charge due to a history from over 20 years ago. He had lost hope until a Restoring Justice volunteer began visiting him and our attorney offered to listen. Renewed strength and expert representation led to a more reasonable bond being posted; he got back to work mowing lawns, and formed a defense strategy for a crime he did not commit. On the day of trial, the State’s adamant 25-year offer turned into a dismissal and the just realization of new freedom in life!